How to keep track of your vehicle performance in real-time
Comprehensive daily vehicle monitoring with MOBILEvhm
Visualizing the performance of your vehicles in real-time, accessing important performance data (operating hours, filling status and energy consumption, error codes and a lot more) and improving the vehicle performance by use of these data – you can do all that with MOBILEvhm (Vehicle Health Management). It allows full-scale day-to-day monitoring of your fleet when in operation.
With just one vehicle monitoring system you can keep track of your whole diesel or battery-driven fleet of buses and check their performance at all times, regardless of the vehicle manufacturer. In this demonstration, you will discover just how much MOBILEvhm can help improve the performance of your entire fleet.

In cooperation with INIT, the world’s leading provider of integrated IT solutions for public transportation, we have developed solutions aimed at giving you a better overview of your bus fleet. Use the data from your vehicles and charging stations to your advantage.