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New: The Notification Center for charging e-buses

Efficiency and clarity in the charge management are crucial. This is exactly what the Notification Center combines as a new feature in MOBILEcharge. This function was developed to simplify the operation of e-buses. It ensures that relevant messages quickly reach the responsible person in your transport company.

Targeted notifications
The Notification Center only communicates when necessary. It sends notifications about error messages in the e-bus fleet – from vehicle anomalies to critical infrastructure messages – directly to the relevant persons, via email or text message. This provides an efficient solution without creating an information overload.

Flexible and user-friendly
Users can set the notification path individually and errors are clearly categorized so that priorities can be set for action. A comprehensive history of all messages helps to analyze and optimize bus operations.

Simple control of charge management
With an intuitive user interface, the Notification Center enables simple configuration and optimization to suit the needs of any transport company.

The new feature will provide improved operational efficiency and ultimately an enhanced quality of service. To see the Notification Center and more of our charge management features live, please contact our team:

About Public Transport

In cooperation with INIT, the world’s leading provider of integrated IT solutions for public transportation, we have developed solutions aimed at giving you a better overview of your bus fleet. Use the data from your vehicles and charging stations to your advantage.

Maurice Hausner

Do you have any questions? Please contact me! I will be happy to advise you.