CarMedialab joins the Open Charge Alliance
The Open Charge Alliance (OCA) is an industry alliance formed to further develop OCPP to lead open and flexible EV networks worldwide.
The OCA focuses on the development of the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) and the Open Smart Charging Protocol (OSCP) in order to optimize costs and risks of investments in network infrastructures.
As a member of the OCA, CarMedialab has the opportunity to help shape current and future versions of the OCPP to best meet market requirements. OCA uses the knowledge and experience of its members to provide a cost-effective, interoperable and universal infrastructure for charging EVs.

More information about the OCA, its objectives and membership can be found at
In cooperation with INIT, the world’s leading provider of integrated IT solutions for public transportation, we have developed solutions aimed at giving you a better overview of your bus fleet. Use the data from your vehicles and charging stations to your advantage.