Hydrogen and electric buses with VHM and Efficency in USA
Each bus reduces CO2 emissions by 135 tons per year
The dual city of Champaign-Urbana is using CarMedialab’s MOBILEvhm and MOBILEefficiency software on 16 buses in the USA. Fourteen of them are e-buses, two of which are powered by hydrogen. The location is a university town with a population of about 88,000 in the state of Illinois, south of Chicago.
Completely emission-free!
Mass Transit District is the first transit agency in the country with 100% sustainable hydrogen buses
The special thing about the project in Champaign-Urbana is that this city is one of the rare places with emission-free hydrogen production: Instead of producing hydrogen from the extraction of natural gas and thus releasing greenhouse gases, an electrolyzer is used. This splits water into hydrogen and oxygen – with the help of solar energy.

“The Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District is certainly a pioneer because this system emits only water vapor instead of greenhouse gases, and that’s leading the way in the fight against climate change,” said Nuria Fernandez, director of the Federal Transit Administration. For those interested in the benefits of e-buses, feel free to stop by our latest blog post.
More detailed information can be found here:
Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District Video:
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