CarMedialab commits to Ethical Guidelines
When working in a company today, expectations and interactions between employers and employees and even the customers are different than 30 years ago. Much has changed and ethical guidelines have become a main part of the backbone of the company. Even though many companies have always had some sort of ethics, this has become a more important issue to commit to, also for CarMedialab.
Our company is made up of people and with no people to run the company, there would be no company. We consider the dignity of humans to be impeccable. Employees are seen as family and our values are common ground and a way to include everybody in the company.
Values and human rights
The values and the integrity of the employees is flowing through the products we make here in the beginning of the value chain of supplying electric cars with smart technology. We support if the employee want to focus on the family at home or maybe want to educate themselves further.
Also we treat everyone equal no matter of race, color, age and religion or any other differences that may be in this diverse world of people. Every human has a right to work and a right to live. We don’t condone child labor, and we believe it’s our responsibility to change the world as much as we can to become a better version of itself. Little changes will eventually turn into a common responsibility that our partners and customers will also join. This will impact the world in a positive way.
Again responsibility is the key word for our code of ethics. Making no promises that can’t be kept is a natural part of the deal. Therefore we have quality products and we continue to do so, as we see how much more sustainable it is and will be in the long run.
We take care of everybody’s personal information and keep it secure as the data protection law demands. Keeping commercial plans and sensitive information confidential and sharing knowledge and information to our trusted peers.

Being a part of a bigger picture
As a brick in the big puzzle of an everchanging industry, we have our ethic guidelines to help us remember the Corporate social responsibility strategy of the company.
We want to keep on striving to be the best in all we do, as we believe that with great powers comes great responsibility and we consider the knowledge of new technology to be our power and therefore our responsibility to care for this in all aspects.