A new version is released and will be available from CarMedialab this summer
ISO 15118:20 is an important communication standard that offers many new possibilities for electric vehicles.
This can be divided into four major functionality sections:
AC for alternating current charging
DC for direct current charging
wireless power transfer (WPT) for inductive charging and
Automatic Connecting Device Pantograph for charging communication via pantograph charging infrastructure
Bidirectional charging represents a sought-after technical advancement in the new standard. It enables both the charging of a vehicle and the feeding of energy back into the grid.
The new software is soon available for charging stations
The CarMedialab release is already available from the end of June. Ask now!
Smart charging of buses with “OppCharge” Alstom – a world leader in railroad technology – manufactures, among many other things, streetcars and trains for mass transit. Thanks to our charge controller, smart charging for buses has been made possible.
OppCharge and Pantograph Here, charging is done with so-called “Opportunity Charging”, among experts this is called: OppCharge. This refers to opportunity charging of the batteries of buses or trucks: With this technology, they are recharged with high energy at terminal stations or selected locations. The challenge here is to transfer a lot of energy in a short time. The connection is made by conductive poles and rails on the vehicle as well as Wifi communication and control within an automatic connection system. For charging, the pantograph is moved to the contact point on the roof of the vehicle.
The charging process works
Successful acceptance test on site With our valuable client we’ve performed successful acceptance test onsite. This was to verify that the application works as planned for the customer. Smart Charging from CarMedialab offers embedded systems that can be integrated into both the vehicle and the charging pole. For vehicle and charging pole to harmonize, software and hardware must be in perfect harmony. Our software stacks help to make this possible.
Future-proof charging management thanks to VDV-Normen Users of our charging management system MOBILEcharge benefit from the interoperability of the software to efficiently charge many electric buses. But what does that mean exactly?
Interoperability generally means that a system can work together with other systems. If the system’s interfaces are open, collaboration can work with two or more programs or systems. Thus, multiple systems can be integrated without problems of access or implementation.
Interoperability enables the integration of existing systems
At Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH (rnv) for example, e-buses, as well as passenger cars, are charged at four depots with over 100 charging points. Various interfaces ensure optimal functionality: VDV 463 between charging management and depot management system (DMS) at the customer’s site and VDV 261 for communication between charging management and vehicle to control preconditioning (Interior and battery are tempered in time). Compliance with these VDV standards enables a high degree of interoperability. GoRaleigh based in the USA also controls and monitors the charging activities of the e-buses with MOBILEcharge in connection with the control centre. Changes can be made permanent so that charging can always be carried out in a cost-saving manner.
Conveniently charge and monitor e-buses Through our charging management system MOBILEcharge, all charging processes can not only be primarily controlled but also monitored in real-time. Charging with reduced amperage increases battery life while lowering overall energy demand.
Your contact person: Maximilian Haag Phone +49.7251.7240.161 maximilian.haag@carmedialab.com
Each bus reduces CO2 emissions by 135 tons per year The dual city of Champaign-Urbana is using CarMedialab’s MOBILEvhm and MOBILEefficiency software on 16 buses in the USA. Fourteen of them are e-buses, two of which are powered by hydrogen. The location is a university town with a population of about 88,000 in the state of Illinois, south of Chicago.
Completely emission-free! Mass Transit District is the first transit agency in the country with 100% sustainable hydrogen buses
The special thing about the project in Champaign-Urbana is that this city is one of the rare places with emission-free hydrogen production: Instead of producing hydrogen from the extraction of natural gas and thus releasing greenhouse gases, an electrolyzer is used. This splits water into hydrogen and oxygen – with the help of solar energy.
“The Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District is certainly a pioneer because this system emits only water vapor instead of greenhouse gases, and that’s leading the way in the fight against climate change,” said Nuria Fernandez, director of the Federal Transit Administration. For those interested in the benefits of e-buses, feel free to stop by our latest blog post.
For an environmentally friendly future in public transport – setting a green example! Do you know this too? You’re riding your bike to work, school or university and suddenly you notice by the smell: a diesel bus stops next to you.
Noise and odor pollution are the order of the day. Many countries are setting a good example: China, for example, has the largest share of all electric buses worldwide running thanks to subsidies, and Salzburg is relying on the zero-emission OBUS, short for “Oberleitungsbus”. Germany, for example, can point to the VHH in Hamburg or the LVB in Leipzig. In the meantime, every transport company should decide in the long term to convert to electric buses, because this process takes time. So: If you want low-congestion as well as climate-neutral local transport by 2030, you should get started now!
What are the costs of an e-bus? The purchase price for an e-bus is higher than for a conventional diesel bus, but there are still many advantages. The German Environment Ministry’s subsidy program covers up to 80 percent of the additional costs incurred compared to a diesel bus, and also up to 40 percent of the costs required for startup, such as driver training. As with electric cars, the higher cost of the investment is recouped through lower expenses in operation as well as for maintenance.
Why are e-buses so efficient? In “stop and go” operation of public transport buses, both energy and brakes are conserved. This works thanks to instantaneous full torque, which an internal combustion engine cannot provide in this way. In addition, a part of the energy is returned to the batteries during braking. Among experts, this is called “recuperation”.
How do driving and charging work on an e-bus? E-buses drive like normal diesel buses with automatic transmission. They now have a range of several hundred kilometers – so they are a real option for public transport.
Either the driver stops at a charging station and connects the bus to the charging cable or it charges wirelessly, the latter being increasingly the case. Thus, the driver does not even have to get off the bus – very convenient, in other words. There are also various concepts for flexible use: overnight charging in the depot, intermediate charging at stops, or mixed forms. This is also where the difference to the diesel bus comes in: refueling must take place more often and charging must be organized intelligently.
CarMedialab’s software is ready to do just that. MOBILEcharge enables intelligent charging.
Why electric driving is coming to the fore in light of rising gasoline prices In fact, electric cars are increasingly performing better when you add up all the costs of owning a car. Although they usually have higher initial costs, they are significantly more economical, for example in terms of maintenance: Savings of up to 35 percent can be achieved here. In the long term, therefore, the price difference compared to diesel or gasoline vehicles can be compensated for in the acquisition costs. Nevertheless, there are more and more cheaper electric cars on the market with a subsidy of up to 9,000 euros. In addition to the purchase price, there are other factors that come into play.
Taxes The benefits don’t end with the purchase. Up to ten years of exemption from vehicle tax, depending on the time of registration, can be granted. As a company car with private use, only 0.25 percent of the gross list price even has to be taxed.
Charging costs Not only the billing model is decisive for pricing, but also how high the charging power in kW is at the charging point, how fast you can charge and which car you drive. The efficiency of the energy is very high.
What is unbeatable, however, is that vehicles can charge for free at some supermarkets, for example, while gasoline or diesel are not available for free. Otherwise, of course, the tariff in one’s own household determines further costs, while prices at public charging stations vary widely.
Maintenance Due to the fact that electrically powered vehicles contain fewer parts that are susceptible to wear, maintenance is a big plus point. Technical inspections are also less expensive, since the exhaust emission test is no longer required.